Data Preparation using SPSS
Data Preparation using SPSS
Mr. Uday Bhate
Date : Sep 30 , 2019
On September 30, 2019, the students of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad had the privilege of getting to learn one of the most sought-after platforms, SPSS 24. PASW formerly SPSS 24 is an academic analytical suit used for statistical techniques and data visualizations. To enhance the skills a workshop is organized on a topic “Data Preparation Using SPSS” 24 by seasoned professor of statistics Mr. Uday Bhate.
The session consisted an understanding of the difference between Data, Information and Knowledge and the difference between Analysis and Analytics. Contrasts was drawn between how analysis was done in olden days and how analysis is done in modern days with the help of sophisticated platforms and software’s. The students were then given a demonstration on how to operate SPSS 24 and how various elements and categories of data can be linked and inferences can be drawn to make informed business decisions.
By the end of the session, students were able to understand on how to operate SPSS 24 and how to present key information for their SIP project. It was a great learning experience for all the students and everyone participated with enthusiasm.