Workshop on Capstone Business Simulation
Workshop on Capstone Business Simulation
Mr. Veer Mehta
Date : July 02 to 03, 2019
On July 02 to July 03, 2019, the students of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad had the privilege of getting to learn one of the most sought-after business simulation platforms, the Capstone Business Simulation 2019. Capstone is the world's gold standard in business simulations and is used at Harvard, Wharton, Kellogg, Stanford... IIMA, IIMB, IIMC... etc., - at over 800 top MBA programs across the world. The Workshop was conducted by Mr. Veer Mehta from Business Think Learning Solutions and the event was attended by the students of Batch 2018-20.
Mr. Veer Mehta being felicitated by Dr. Satya Prasad V. K., Academic In-Charge, SIBM-Hyd

Day One of the Workshop included an introduction on how to use Capstone. The modules, divided namely into R&D, Marketing, Production, Human Resources and Finance allowed students, who were divided into teams, to run all elements of a business in a real-life simulation. Every team was considered as one company and they were paired with four other teams to be clubbed into one single industry. Post the session, the teams were asked to run a simulation as a practice round.
Mr. Veer Mehta addressing the students

Day Two of the Workshop was aimed to help teams analyse their results from the simulation overnight and assess how they fared against their competition from their industry. Mr. Veer Mehta then gave a team wise analysis on what went right and wrong and how the performances can be improved in the future rounds. The teams are expected to do seven practice rounds and four competition rounds.
The session with Mr. Abhishek Gupta was very insightful where he explained how business world runs in the field of finance and accounting and the factor leading finance and accounting in today’s cut-throat competition.
He majorly covered the some of the areas of Financial Statement Analysis: -
- Key stakeholders
- Traditional techniques and methods
- New age Financial Analysis tools
- Human vs Machine
- Key consideration in Fianancial Statement Analysis
He brought some light to the concept of Big Data and Data Analytics. The class interacted how technology like automation and artificial intelligence which can further help in Financial Statement Analysis. Similarly, how Super AI, Augmented AI and Robo advisor is making its way for the evolution of techniques of financial statement analysis.
Mr. Veer Mehta Analysing the team performances on Day 2

By the end of the workshop, students were able to understand on how to run a business and the nuances of every decision. It was a great learning experience for all the students and everyone participated with enthusiasm.