Guest Lecture by Mrs. Priya Iyenger and Mrs. Madhujit Singh
Topic:- “Gender Sensitization”
Guest Lecture by Mrs. Priya Iyenger and Mrs. Madhujit Singh
Topic:- “Gender Sensitization”
Date : February 27, 2020
Gen Z at Workplace was a session conducted by Professor Priya Iyengar and Mrs. Madhujit Singh at SIBM-H on February 27, 2020. The lecture began with a brief welcome speech by Dr. Ridhi Rani

Welcome Speech by Dr. Ridhi Rani

Felicitation by Dr. Ridhi Rani
The session was divided into four segments:-
- Who is Gen Z?
- What is your Expectations V/s Realities?
- What is Harassment?
- How to deal with Harassment.
Who is Gen Z?
The session began with the Prof. Iyengar and Mrs. Madhujit asking us about Diversity and what we understand by it. They then went on to discuss about the importance of professionalism in the workplace and how important it is to have peace at workplace in order to have sanity at home.
We then went onto discuss some characteristic traits of Gen Z which are as follows:-
- Digital Natives
- Ambitious
- Career Driven
- Fulfilling life – not restricted by age
- No gender restriction
After this we discussed certain expectations and realities that we face in the corporate world. For this we did an activity wherein we were given chart papers and crayons and asked to depict our versions of expectations v/s realities of corporates.

Students participating in the activities
What is Harassment?
For this segment of the session we were first shown a video Nazaria an initiative by UN Woman to raise awareness about Harassment at workplace. The video talks about harassment in workplace and how important it is to stand up for yourself even when no one stands with you. Through this video the speakers tried to emphasise that with regards to sexual harassment – intent doesn’t matter, impact does.
In this segment we also spoke about the different kinds of Harassments: Sexual and Workplace.

How to deal with Harassment?
For this segment we were given a worksheet with 15 case questions to discuss. Various scenarios were given in each of these cases to determine what constitutes as Harassment and what type of Harassment it is.
Some of the cases are as follows:-
- Ritu works in an MNC. Her team lead Raj often uses abusive names (Hindi non-sexual slangs) while reprimanding his subordinates, irrespective of their gender. Ritu took offence against such abusive language and files a complaint for sexual harassment? Whether such a claim is sustainable?
- Molly works in a law firm, where a senior partner of the firm usually makes remarks at her appearance and dresses, specifically demanding her to wear certain attire that makes her more attractive. Aggrieved by the act, she files a complaint for sexual harassment? Whether this claim is sustainable under Sexual Harassment?
After this they discussed some remedies that employees have in workplaces and what we need to do in such situations.
Two important principles they stressed on during the session are as follows:-
- Clear communication
- Be Assertive, Be calm.
Finally, when taking any action, or communicating with an individual SBI rule is to be followed:-
S – Situation (When, and be as specific as possible)
B – Behaviour (Specific Behaviour by the person)
I – Impact on you.