Guest Lecture on Advanced Technical Analysis by Mr. K Vamsi Krishna
Guest Lecture on Advanced Technical Analysis by Mr. K Vamsi Krishna
Event Name: Guest Lecture on Advanced Technical Analysis by Mr. K Vamsi Krishna
Objective: The event aimed to gain good knowledge regarding the concepts and applications of advanced technical analysis.
Outcome: The response from the MBA batch2023-2025 was really good and engaging. Almost all the students from the finance specialization attended the session. The main aim of the session was that all the students would gain knowledge related to the concepts and applications of technical analysis like price, volume, open interest etc.
The Mint Club – Finance Club of SIBM Hyderabad conducted guest lecture on Advanced Technical Analysisfor students of MBA Batch 2023-2025. The event was on June 8, 2024, at the Computer Lab. The event started with all the participants assembling in the Computer Lab.
It was a very insightful session.The instructor Mr. K Vamsi Krishna,a technical analysis experttouched upon
some concepts of advanced technical analysis like price, volume, open interest and how it helps us
understand whether the trend is bullish or bearish. All the students were enthusiastic enough to answer the
questions related to the topics. Mr. K Vamsi Krishnaelaborated on all the topics with the help of his own
trading experience of several years.

(Guest Lecture on Advanced Technical Analysis by Mr.K Vamsi Krishna )
Overall the session was very insightful and helpful and students actively participated by asking relevant
questions related to the concepts. It was indeed an additional knowledge that the students gained in the
concepts of advanced technical analysis.