Guest Lecture on Financial Accounting by CA Neelesh V Vithlani
Guest Lecture on Financial Accounting by CA Neelesh V Vithlani
Event Name: Guest Lecture on Financial Accounting by CA Neelesh V Vithlani
Objective: The event aimed to gain good knowledge regarding the concepts and applications of Financial Accounting.
Outcomes: The response from the MBA batch 2023-2025 was really good and engaging. Almost all the students attend the session. The main aim of the session was that all the students would gain knowledge related to the concepts and applications of financial accounting.
The Mint Club – Finance Club of SIBM Hyderabad conducted a Guest lecture for “Financial accounting by CA Neelesh V Vithlani” for the First-year students of batch 2023-2025. The event was on July22, 2023, at the Lecture Theatre at11:10AM. The event started with all the participants assembling in LT.
It was very insightful session. He touched upon the basic concepts of financial accounting, such as golden rules of accounting, accountings concepts and principles, important points related to Profit and loss account and Balance sheet.In addition, he also touched upon crucial concepts such as how to calculate closing stock per unit value, and discussed the financial ratios concepts through real time Titan Industries Profit and Loss account and Balance sheet. With the help of the financial statements, students were actively solving to find out the relevant ratios.

(Guest Lecture CA Neelesh V Vithlani teaching about important concepts of Financial Accounting)

(MBA Batch 2023-2025 actively listening to the guest lecture)

(MBA Batch students of 2023-2025 actively solving the sums)
Overall the session was very insightful, helpful and students actively participated by asking relevant questions to the guest. It was indeed an additional knowledge that the students gained in the concepts of financial accounting.