A Report on “Managing Conflict across Cultures”
A Report on “Managing Conflict across Cultures”
Topic:- “Managing Conflict across Cultures”
As a part of our cross cultural management course, Dr. Sridhar Raj, gave us his valuable time to know about what conflict can be occurred in an organization and how can it be managed accordingly. Moreover, he explained that organization culture can makes you and break you in an organization.
Dr. Sridhar mentioned about different culture types like Cultural Misfit, Cultural Shock where cultural misfit is all about mismatching of employee with the environment and culture of organization and cultural shock is an experience a person may have when moves to a cultural environment which is different from one’s own and it is a feeling of anxiety, loneliness and confusion that people sometimes experience when they first arrive in other company.
Apart from this knowledge he explained what the culture of the organization is and the culture is not book of definition but it is a practical experience we inherit from the company and we follow it. Also, he gave us a practical exposure by role playing activities including students related to the behavior, norms of the cultural forms and also he gave us two case study on autonomy and winning culture.
Dr. Sridhar Raj also mentioned what Geert Hofstede model of culture is and five dimension of the Geert model were discussed which describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its employees, and how these values relate to behavior.