Best MBA Colleges in Hyderabad - Symbiosis Institute of Business Management Hyderabad

Orientation session by Mr. Suraj Singh on “Careers in Operations Field”

Event Name: Orientation session by Mr. Suraj Singh on “Careers in Operations Field”


The orientation session was organized with the objective of providing MBA 1st year students with an interactive session where they can gain more insight about the future scope and careers they can pursue in the field of Operations Management.


Students gained valuable insights from Mr. Suraj Singh as he shared his experience and expertise in the field of Operations Management. The session significantly impacted the career development and decision-making process of the students needing to choose their specialisation.


In the orientation session on “Careers in Operation Field”, Mr. Suraj Singh discussed with the students the current scenario and future trends in the field of Operations Management. Mr. Suraj Singh is an experienced Senior Solution Architect with over 14 years of experience in different verticals of Supply chain management including Production Planning, Forecasting, Distribution and Logistics, etc.

He mainly focused on the key roles and profiles found in Operations, including Product Manager, Digital Logistics, Inventory Manager, Procurement Manager, Compliance Team, etc. He discussed the differences amongst the several roles, the responsibilities they hold and what value each of them bring to the organization. Mr. Suraj Singh gave his insights and advice on the questions put forward by the students, clearing up the doubts and misconceptions they held about the field. In the broader scale, he discussed what operations management brings to the table in an organization, including how it amalgamates with the other departments. To provide the students with more knowledge on the background of the field, the verticals that come under operations were discussed, this included namely: Planning and Execution. These are both spheres where the students can pursue their careers and were hence made aware of what these verticals respectively entail. Mr. Suraj Singh discussed the important roles the students can expect to see in the field of operations in the future. This included a discussion on how processes are increasingly becoming systems driven, automation, artificial intelligence and AAS: Analysts as a Service. This is followed by an increasing demand for analysts in the field of operations. His invaluable advice helped students get a fair idea of whether operations is a field that is aligned with their career goals and aspirations and if yes, then what steps they need to undertake to reach that desired role and position in the corporate world.

Mr. Suraj Singh discussed what skills, including both hard and soft skills the students should possess and inculcate for rising above the corporate ladder in the field of operations. This included having strong analytical skills as that is the need of the hour, having basic technical skills, such as Python, and being able to make sense of data and presenting your findings. As the students’ approach towards the end of the first semester and now possess a strong hold on the theoretical knowledge of the different specializations, the session helped bridge the gap between what students read in the textbooks and what they can expect in the real world. It was necessary in order to make sure the students make a wise and informed decision about something which lays down the basic framework of their future careers.

(Students enthusiastically listening to the Guest Lecture)

(Mr. Suraj Singh addressing the audience)

(Dr. Shivoham Singh felicitating Mr. Suraj Singh)